About Midway Financeira

About Midway Financeira

Midway Financeira

In addition to the relationship between retail and garment manufacturing, the Company also maintains the integrated management of its financial operation – Midway Financeira – created in 2008 as the Group’s financial company, with the objective of carrying out financing operations to consumers for products and services of its parent company, Lojas Riachuelo, always seeking the most suitable financial resources to support such transactions. This integrated platform of financial products and services is a fundamental part of the Company’s ecosystem.

Midway’s integrated financial services platform includes the digital account, cards (private label and branded cards), loans, insurance, and assistance. As a result, the Company has a broader relationship with its customers, going beyond simply offering cards and personal loans, by offering products and services over digital channels, and maximum integration with retail.

In late 2010, the Company started the process of issuing Visa- and MasterCard-branded cards. In 2019, it opened the new Midway Financeira office, in transform the business into a bank that offers a 100% digital experience for customers, always counting on the support of Riachuelo’s physical store operations. In 2021, the digital account was launched, with features that meet customers’ daily needs, such as Pix (instant electronic payment system), payments, remunerated and rewarded accounts, mobile phone top-up, and more. Regarding our digital account, it is worth noting that we reached one million accounts opened in the first five months of operation, making the app’s onboard experience considered one of the fastest and most frictionless on the market, according to a survey by Idwall.

For more information about Midway, Click here*.


*Only Portuguese