01. Where are Guararapes’ shares traded?

Guararapes’ shares are listed for trading in B3 under the symbol “GUAR3”.

02. How can I invest in the stock market?

You must look for a Broker. The Broker and Financial institutions count on professionals focused on the market, sectors and companies analysis, who may inform you about the right moment to buy and sell specific shares in order to achieve wealthier gains.

In addition to that, you may invest through Investment Funds, managed by a Bank or even by a Broker. It is worth noting that, in this case, the decisions are made by the Bank or by the Broker. Alternatively, you may to invest through an investment club, in which a group of individuals selects a Broker, to invest in a portfolio.

03. What are Guararapes’ shares rights, advantages and restrictions?

Each common share provides a right to one vote in the General Meeting deliberations, being indivisible to the Corporation.
Shareholders will have preference rights to subscribe same class shares in the case an increase of the stock capital.
The preference right may be exercised within 30days, from the announcement day.
There will be granted no preference right for the shareholders whose interest in the Company is result of paid-in shares with Fiscal Incentives.

04. What is Guararapes’ social capital and how is divided? How many shares are effectively traded (free-float)?

The Company’s total capital is R$ 3,100,000,000.00 (three billion and one hundred million reais) divided in 499,200,000 (four hundred and ninety-nine million, two hundred thousand), all common book entry no par shares
Free float represents 17.25% of total capital.

05. What is Guararapes’ capital structure?

Guararapes’ capital structure is available here.

06. What is Guararapes’ interest in its subsidiaries?

07. How and where does Guararapes announce its information to investors and analysts?

All the material fact, earnings releases and other announcements to Guararapes’ market are simultaneously post at CVM/B3 and at the Company’s Investor Relation website (http://www.riachuelo.com.br/ri), and forwarded by e-mail to whom have previously been registered to accept such information. To receive information by email please register here.
The completed finance statements are yearly published on remarkable newspapers. Quarterly financial statements, press releases, presentations, material facts and notice to the shareholders are available at the websites mentioned above in the IR section. Other information about the Company may also be found on B3 website (www.b3.com.br) and at the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – Comissão de Valores Mobiliários website (www.cvm.gov.br).

08. What are Controller Shareholder, Majority Shareholder and minority shareholder?

The controller shareholder is an individual, or a set of individuals, who holds the operating control of the Company, as consequence of total amount of common shares this investor(s) hold(s).
Majority shareholder posses the largest part of the company’s total capital. Therefore, the sum of common and preferred shares represents more than 50% of the company’s total capital.
Minority shareholder holds few common voting shares, for that reason this investor does not join the Company’s control.

09. How can I contact the Investor Relations department?

To contact Guararapes’ IR team, click here.
E-mails sent to Guararapes’ IR team will be answered within 24h (on working days).