Shareholder Structure

Shareholder Structure

The Company’s capital stock consists of 499,200,000 common shares.

Shareholder Common Shares %
Lisiane Gurgel Rocha 139,264,056 27.90%
Élvio Gurgel Rocha 137,310,416 27.51%
Flávio Gurgel Rocha 136,510,408 27.35%
Others 86,112,560 17.25%
Treasury 2,560 0.00%
Total 499,200,000 100.00%

This information is available in more detail in item 6 of the Company’s Reference Form.

It is the responsibility of any natural or legal person, or group of people, acting together or representing the same interest that may acquire or dispose of a relevant 5% (five percent) interest in the capital stock of a publicly-held company, the communication to the Company about the change in their participation, in accordance with current legislation.